(Según temas)
1954. Life Histories of Central American Birds. Ilus. D.R. Eckelberry. Pacific Coast Avifauna 31. Berkeley, California: Cooper Ornithological Society, 448 p.
1956. The Quest of the Divine: An Inquiry into the Source and Goal of Morality and Religion. Boston: Meador Publishing Company, 440 p. 1era parte 2da parte
1960. Life Histories of Central American Birds II. Ilus. D.R. Eckelberry. Pacific Coast Avifauna 34. Berkeley, California: Cooper Ornithological Society, 593 p.
1967. Life Histories of Central American Highland Birds. Publicación 7. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Nuttall Ornithological Club, 213 p.
1969. Life Histories of Central American Birds III. Fotografías del autor y dibujos de D. R. Eckelberry. Pacific Coast Avifauna 35. Berkeley, California: Cooper Ornithological Society, 580 p.
1970. The Golden Core of Religion 1970_golden_core.pdf. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 270 p.
1971. A Naturalist in Costa Rica. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 378 p.
1972. Studies of Tropical American Birds. Publicación 10. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Nuttall Ornithological Club, 228.p.
1973. The Life of the Hummingbird. Ilus. A. B. Singer. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 95 p.
1976. Parent Birds and their Young. Austin: University of Texas Press, 503 p.
1977. Aves de Costa Rica. Fotografías de blanco y negro de A.F. Skutch; fotografías a color de J. S. Dunning. San José: Editorial Costa Rica, 148 p. Reedición 2002; varias reimpresiones.
1977. A Bird Watcher’s Adventures in Tropical America. Austin: University of Texas Press.
1979. The Imperative Call: A Naturalist’s Quest in Temperate and Tropical America. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 331 p. Reeditado 1992.
1980. A Naturalist on a Tropical Farm. Ilus. D. Gardner. Berkeley: University of California Press, 397 p.
1981. New Studies of Tropical American Birds. Publicación 19. Ilus. D. Gardner. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Nuttall Ornithological Club, 281 p.
1983. Birds of Tropical America. Ilus. D. Gardner. Austin: University of Texas Press, 305 p.
1983. Nature through Tropical Windows. Ilus. D. Gardner. Berkeley: University of California Press, 392 p.
1984. Life Ascending. Austin: University of Texas Press, 268 p.
1985. Life of the Woodpecker. Ilus. D. Gardner. Santa Monica, California e Ithaca, New York: Ibis Publishing Company y Cornell University Press, 136 p.
1985. La finca de un naturalista. Trad. R. Elvir de A Naturalist on a Tropical Farm con una introducción de R. Elvir; ilus. D. Gardner. San José: Asociación Libro Libre, 466 p.
1986. Helpers at Birds´ Nests: A Worldwide Survey of Cooperative Breeding and Related Behavior. Ilus. D. Gardner. Iowa City: University of lowa Press, 298 p.
1987. A Naturalist amid Tropical Splendor. Ilus. D. Gardner. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 232 p.
1989. Life of the Tanager. Ilus. D. Gardner. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 114 p.
1989. Birds Asleep. Ilus. J. Schmitt. Austin: University of Texas Press, 224 p.
1989. A Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica, con F. G. Stiles. Ilus. D. Gardner. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 656 p.
1991. Life of the Pigeon. Ilus. D. Gardner. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. 130 p.
1991. El Ascenso de la Vida. Trad. Life Ascending de R. Elvir. San José: Editorial Costa Rica, 347 p.
1992. Origins of Nature’s Beauty. Ilus. D. Gardner. Austin: University of Texas Press, 292 p.
1995. Guía de aves de Costa Rica, con F. G. Stiles. Ilus. D. Gardner. Trad. Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica L. Roselli. Santo Domingo de Heredia: INBio. Reeditado 1998, 2003.
1996. The Minds of Birds. College Station: Texas A&M University Press.
1996. Antbirds and Ovenbirds. Austin: University of Texas Press.
1996. Orioles, Blackbirds and Their Kin. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
1997. Life of the flycatcher. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
1997. Merenda. A Romance of the Tropical Forest. San José: Halder Books.
1997. Merenda. Un romance en la selva del trópico. Trad. A Romance of the Tropical Forest de R. Elvir. San José: Halder Books.
1997. Tales of a naturalist. San José: Halder Books.
1999. Trogons, Laughing Falcons and Other Neotropical Birds. College Station: Texas A&M Press.
2000. Harmony and Conflict in the Living World. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
2000. Fundamentos morales. Una introducción a la ética. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Volumen extraordinario XXXXVIII/95-96 (julio-diciembre). Reimpresión 2009.
2001. Un naturalista en Costa Rica. Santo Domingo de Heredia: INBio y CCT.
2007. Moral Foundations. An Introduction to ethics. Mount Jackson, Virginia: Axios Press.
2013. El Ascenso de la Vida, segunda edición, revisada y corregida. Trad. Life Ascending R. Elvir. San José y Cartago: Editorial Costa Rica y Editorial Tecnológica de Costa Rica, 330p.
2014. Armonización. Aportes filosóficos para la biología y la ética ambiental. Una antología. R.H. May, ed. San José: Asociación Ornitológica de Costa Rica (AOCR), 108 p.
2014. Aves de Costa Rica, sexta ed., revisada, corregida y actualizada. Fotografías de blanco y negro de A.F. Skutch; fotografías a color de diversos fotógrafos. San José y Cartago: Editorial Costa Rica y Editorial Tecnológica de Costa Rica, 298p.
2017 Early Views of Alexander F Skutch. Selections from His Nature Diaries, Philosophical Notebooks, and Several Other Manuscripts 1928-1946.Volume 1, Becoming and Being a Naturalist on a Tropical Farm. Edited and with contributions by Peter Scheers. San José: Centro científico Tropical. Disponible en:
Libros Inéditos
(Los manuscritos están curados en el Centro Científico Tropical/Tropical Science Center, San José, Costa Rica)
Essays of a bird-watcher (1946)
Land of friendship - life in a compassionate society (1957)
Love Abounding (novela utópica) (1964)
Evolution and the perfecting of man (1970)
Our cosmic significance (1971)
The Thousandth Birthday (ficción científica) (1973)
The Winged Children (cuento para niños) (1976)
Mind against gene: its struggle for autonomy (1996)
A troubled realm: essays on the living world and its conservation (1998)
The Animal that Cares, and Other Optimistic Essays
Moral Ideals
Space, Time, and Harmonization
The invisible Despots
Paradoxes of the Living World: Observations, Interpretations, and Conservation of a Troubled Realm
The Feathered Altar (novela selvática)
Botánica e historia natural/Botany and Natural History
1926. On the Habits and Ecology of the Tube-building Amphipo Amphithoe rubricata Montagu. Ecology 7: 481-502.
1927. Anatomy of the Leaf of Banana, Musa sapientium L. Bota Gaz. 84: 337-91.
1927. Peculiarities in the Structure of the Stem, Related to the Leaf-sheath. Hedyosmun. Ann. Botany (London) 4: 715-30.
1928. The Spinning Crustacean. Nature Magazine[2] 12: 103-5.
1928. Plant of Paradoxes. Nature Magazine12:311-14.
1928: The Capture of Prey by the Bladderwort. New Phytologist 27: 261-97.
1928: The Secret of the Bladderwort. Sci. Am. (dic.): 498-501.
1928. Littoral Vegetation on Headland of Mt. Desert Island, Maine, con D. S. Johnson. Ecology 9:188-215, 307-38, 429-48.
Parte I
Parte II
Parte III
1928. The Period of Anthesis in Hibicus, con R. L. Burwell Jr. Torreya 28:1-4.
1928. Reseña de On the Causes and Ecological Significance of Stomatal frequency, with Special Reference to Woodland Flora por E. J. Salisbury. Ecology 9 (2): 252-254.
1929: Early Stages of Plant Succession Following Forest Fires. Ecology 10:177-90.
1930. Unrolling of Leaves of Musa sapientium and Some Related Plants and their Reactions to Environmental Aridity. Botan. Gaz. 90:337-65.
1930. On the Development and Morphology of the Leaf of the Banana (Musa sapientum L.). Am. J. Botany 17: 252-71.
1930. Repeated Fission of Stem and Root in Mertensia Maíritima, A Study in Ecological Anatomy. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 32: 1-52, Pls. I-IX.
1931. Some Reactions of the Banana to Pressure, Gravity, and Darkness. Plant Physiology 6: 73-102.
1931. The Banana Coast. Baltimore Evening Sun (1 de mayo), 2da sección, 27.
1932. The Pollination of the Palm Archontophoenix cunninghamii L. Torreya 32: 29-37.
1932. Observations on the Flower Behavior of the Avocado in Panama. Torreya 32: 85-94.
1932. Anatomy of the Axis of the Banana. Botan. Gaz 93: 233-58.
1933. The Aquatic Flowers of a Terrestrial Plant, Heliconia bihai L. Am. J. Botany 20: 535-44.
1941. The natural Resources of Costa Rica. Chronica Botanica 6: 399-402. Reimpreso en: Franz Verdoorn, ed. Plants and Plant Science in Latin America, pp. 281-84. Waltham, Mass.: Chronica Botanica, 1945.
1945. The Most Hospitable Tree. Sci. Monthly 60: 5-17.
1945. A Natural Water-Garden. Nature Magazine 38: 404.
1945. Fern Collecting in Southern Costa Rica. Am. Fern J. 35: 41-48.
1946. Ferns and Bird's Nests. Am. Fern J. 36:14-17.
1946. Palm Forests. Nature Magazine 39: 135-36.
1946. The Behavior of the Flowers of the Aguacatillo (Persea caerulea). Torreya[3] 45: 110-116.
1946. A Compound Leaf with Annual Increments of Growth. Bull. Torrey Botan. Club 73: 542-46.
1947. The Balsa Tree. Nature Magazine 40: 377-78.
1947. Adventures with Sloths. Nature Magazine 40: 521-24, 552.
1948: Plants from Leaves. Nature Magazine 41: 149-52, 164.
1949. The Panama-hat Plant. Nature Magazine 42: 173-75.
1949. The Basilisk Lizard. Nature Magazine 42: 436-37.
1950. Problems in Milpa Agriculture. Revista Interamericana de Ciencias Agrícolas (Turrialba) 1: 4-6.
1951. Edible Flowers. Nature Magazine 44: 92-93, 108.
1952. Scarlet Passion-flower. Nature Magazine 45: 523-25,250.
1953. Two Costa Rican Begonias, con Pamela Skutch. The Begonian 20: 193-94.
1959. Comentarios sobre “Ecological Indications of the Need for a New Approach to Tropical Land Use” por Leslie R. Holdridge. Symposia Interamericana (Turrialba) 1:49-57.
1960. A Forest View of Kinkajous. Animal Kingdom 63: 25-28.
1965. The Advancement of Biology in the Tropics. The Association for Tropical Biology, Inc. Bull. 4: 31-34.
1970. Migrations of the American Moth Urania fulger. Entomologist (August): 192-97.
1982. La Guatusa, un roedor silvestre de América. Geomundo 6: 529-35.
1988. Flowering and Seed-production of Fischeria Funebris (Asclepiadaceae). Brenesia 30 (Setiembre): 13-19.
1988. Synchronized Flowering and Seed Dispersal in Miconia. Brenesia 29 (marzo): 83-94.
1992. Floral behavior of Calliandra surinamensis (Mimosaceae). Brenesia 37 (marzo):141-143.
1992. Tussacia friedrichsthaliana, a Terristrial Herb with Aquatic Flowers. Brenesia 37 (marzo): 151-56.
2002. Forward. Pp. xi-xii en C.L. Henderson. Field Guide to the Wildlife of Costa Rica. Ilus. S. Adams. Austin: University of Texas Press.
1930. The Habits and Nesting Activities of the Northern Tody Flycatcher in Panama. Auk 47 (3): 313-22.
1931. The Life History of Rieffer’s Hummingbird (Amazilia tzacatl tzacatl) in Panama and Honduras. Auk 48 (4): 481-500.
1933. Blue Grosbeck (Guiraca eaerulea eurhyncha) Breeding in Guatemala. Auk 50 (1):120-121.
1933. A Male Kingfisher Incubating at Night. Auk 50(4): 437.
1933. Male Woodpeckers Incubating at Night. Auk 50(4): 437.
1934. A Nesting of the Slaty Antshrike (Tramnophilus puncatutus) on Barro Colorado Island. Auk 51(1): 8-16.
1934. Familiar Birds in their Winter Homes. Bird-Lore 36: 3-7.
1935. Helpers at the Nest. Auk 52(3):257-73.
1937. Life-history of the Black-chinned Jacamar. Auk 54(2):135-46.
1937. The Male Flicker’s Part in Incubation. Bird-Lore 39: 112-14.
1940. Social and Sleeping Habits of Central American Wren. Auk 57(3): 293-312.
1940. Some Aspects of Central American Bird-Life. Sci. Monthly[4] 51: 409-18, 500-511.
1940. Artículos sobre Rieffer’s Hummingbird y White-eared Hummingbird; notas sobre Smooth-billed Ani, Groove-billed Ani, Ringed Kingfisher, Texas Kingfisher, Merill’s Pauraque, Broad-tailed Hummingbird y Heloise’s Hummingbird. En: A. C. Bent, Life Histories of North American Cuckoos, Goatsuckers, Hummingbirds and their Allies. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 176.
1942. Life History of the Mexican Trogon. Auk 59 (3): 341-63.
1942. Notas sobre Xanthu’s Becard, Folk-tailed Flycatcher, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Arizona Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, Rough-winged Swallow, etc. En: A. C. Bent, Life Histories of North American Flycatcher, Larks, Swallows and their Allies. Bull U.S. Natl. Mus. 179.
1943. The Family Life of Central American Woodpeckers. Sci. Monthly 56: 358-64
1944. The Life History of the Prong-billed Barbet. Auk 61 (1): 61-88.
1944. A Sparrow Hawk in Costa Rica in July. Auk 61(3): 470.
1944. Barn Swallow in Costa Rica in July. Auk 61(3): 470-471.
1944. Life History of the Blue-throated Toucanet. Wilson Bull. 56 (3): 133-51.
1944. Life History of the Quetzal. Condor 46 (5): 213-35.
1945. Incubation and Nesting Periods of Central American Birds. Auk 62 (1): 8-37.
1945. A Village in the Tree-top. Nature Magazine 38: 125-28, 162.
1945. The Magnificent Quetzal. Nature Magazine 38: 299-302, 330-31.
1945. Born and Bred on Bananas. Nature Magazine 38: 429-30.
1945. The History of the Allied Woodhewer. Condor 47(3): 85-94.
1945. On the Habits and Nest of the Antthrush Formicarius analis. Wilson Bull. 57 (2): 122-28.
1945. Studies of Central American Redstarts. Wilson Bull. 57 (4): 217-42.
1945. Life History of the Blue-throated Green Motmot. Auk 62 (4): 489-517.
1945. A Natural Water-Garden. Nature Magazine 38: 404.
1945. The Migration of Swainson's and Broad-winged Hawks Through Costa Rica. Northwest Sci. 19: 80-89.
1946. Life Histories of Two Panamanian Antbirds. Condor 48 (1): 16-28.
1946. Life History of the Costa Rican Tityra. Auk 63 (3): 327-62.
1946. The Catbird at Home and Abroad. Fauna (Zool. Soc. Philadelphia) 8: 87-89.
1946. Parental Devotion of Birds. Sci. Monthly 62 (4): 364-374.
1946. The Hummingbird’s Brook. Sci. Monthly 63: 447-57.
1947. A Nesting of the Plumbeous Kite in Ecuador. Condor 49 (1): 25-31.
1947. The Castlebuilder. Nature Magazine 40: 69-72.106.
1947. A Nest of the Sun-bittern in Costa Rica. Wilson Bull. 59 (1): 38.
1947. Life History of the Turquoise-browed Motmot. Auk 64 (2): 201-17.
1947. Life History of the Marbled Wood-Quail. Condor 49 (6): 217-32.
1947. Life History of the Quetzal. Smithsonian Inst. Annual Report 1946: 265-93, pls 1-4. (Reimpreso de Condor 46 (5): 213-35 [ ]).
1948. Life History of the Golden-naped Woodpecker. Auk 65 (2): 225-60.
1948. Life History Notes on Puff-birds. Wilson Bull. 60 (2): 81-97.
1948. Anting by Some Costa Rican Birds. Wilson Bull. 60 (2): 115-16.
1948. Life History of the Olivaceous Piculet and Related Forms. Ibis 90: 433-49.
1948. Life History of the Citroeline Trogon. Condor 50 (4): 137-47.
1948. The Isle of Boobies. Nature Magazine 41: 358-60, 386.
1949. Notas sobre Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Russet-backed Thrush y Wood Thrush. En: A. C. Bent, Life Histories of North American Thrush Kinglets, and their Allies. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 196.
1949. Life History of the Yellow-thighed Manakin. Auk 66 (1): 1-24.
1949. Life History of the Ruddy Quail-Dove. Condor 51 (1): 3-19.
1949. Motmots – Dandies of the Bird World. Nature Magazine 42: 69-72, 100.
1949. Do Tropical Birds Rear as Many Young as They Can Nourish? Ibis (3) 91: 430-55.
1949. Northern Birds at a Costa Rican Feeding Station. Audubon 51: 278-85.
1950. The Nestling Season of Central American Birds in Relation to Climate and Food Supply. Ibis 92 (2): 185-222.
1950. On the Naming of Birds. Wilson. Bull. 62 (2): 95-99.
1950. Artículo sobre Yellow-green Vireo y notas sobre Blue-headed Vireo, Red-eyed Vireo, Yellow-throated Vireo y Cedar Waxwing. En: A. C. Bent, Life Histories of North American Wagtails, Shrikes, Vireos, and their Allies. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 197.
1950. Life History of the White-breasted Blue Mockingbird. Condor 52 (5): 220-27.
1950. An Adventure with Toucans. Nature Magazine 43: 411-13, 440.
1950. Outline for an Ecological Life History of a Bird, based upon the Song Tanager Ramphocelus passerini costarricenses. Ecology 31: 364-69.
1951. Life History of the Boat-billed Flycatcher. Auk 68 (1): 30-49.
1951. Congeneric Species of Birds Nesting Together in Central America. Condor 53 (1): 3-15.
1951. Life History of Longuemare’s Hermit Hummingbird. Ibis 93 (2): 180-95.
1952. On the Hour of Laying and Hatching of Bird’s Eggs. Ibis 94 (1): 49-61.
1952. Life History of the Chestnut-tailed Automolus. Condor 54 (2): 93-100.
1952. The Royal Flycatcher. Audubon 54: 226-31.
1952. Life History of the Blue and White Swallow. Auk 69 (4): 392-406.
1952. Kingfishers--Sovereigns of the Watercourses. Nature Magazine 45: 461-64, 500.
1953. How the Male Bird Discovers the Nestlings. Ibis 95 (1): 1-37; (3): 505-42.
1953. Life History of the Southern House Wren. Condor 55 (3): 121-49.
1953. How the Male Bird Discovers the Nestlings. Animal Kingdom 56: 84-89.
1953. The White-throated Magpie-Jay. Wilson Bull. 65 (2): 68-74.
1953. Delayed Reproductive Maturity in Birds. Ibis 95 (1): 153-54.
1953. Notas sobre 29 especies, en: A. C. Bent, Life Histories of North American Wood Warblers. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 203.
1953. The Elusive Massena Trogon. Animal Kingdom 56: 167-72.
1954. Life History of the White-winged Becard. Auk 71 (2): 113-29.
1954. Helpers at the Nest. Animal Kingdom 57: 86-91.
1954. Nest Robber. Natural History (Set): 306-9, 330.
1954. Life History of the Tropical Kingbird. Proc. Linnean Soc. N.Y. 1951-53 (63-65): 21-38.
1954. The Parental Stratagems of Birds. Ibis 96 (4): 544-64.
1955. The Parental Stratagems of Birds. Ibis 97(1): 118-42.
1955. The Hairy Woodpecker in Central America. Wilson Bull. 67 (1): 25-32.
1955. How Birds Handle Their Population Problem. Animal Kingdom 58: 72-77.
1956. Life History of the Ruddy Ground Dove. Condor 58 (3): 188-205.
1956. A Nesting of the Collared Trogon. Auk 73 (3): 354-66.
1956. Roosting and Nesting of the Golden-olive Woodpecker. Wilson Bull. 68 (2): 118-28.
1956. Parental Care. Pp. 118-27 en H.P.W. Hutson, ed. The Ornithologist’s Guide. London: British Ornithologist’s Union.
1956. Hides and Other Equipment (con N. Tinbergen). Pp. 164-68 en H.P.W. Hutson, ed. The Ornithologist’s Guide. London: British Ornithologist’s Union.
1956. The Bird’s Nest as a Dormitory. Animal Kingdom 59: 50-55.
1957. The Incubation Patterns of Birds. Ibis 99 (1): 69-93. Reimpreso en: R. Silver, ed. Parental Behavior of Birds. Benchmark Papers in Animal Behavior 11. Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania: Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, 1977.
1957. The Friendly Bicolored Antbird. Animal Kingdom 60: 75-79.
1957. Life History of the Amazon Kingfisher. Condor 59 (4): 217-29.
1957: Montezuma Oropéndola en: R. T. Peterson, ed. The Bird Watcher’s Anthology. New York: Harcourt Brace and Company.
1957. Ocho artículos en: L. Griscom y A. Sprunt, Jr., eds. The Warblers of America. New York: The Devin-Adair Company.
1958. Artículo sobre Boat-tailed Grackle y notas sobre nueve especies en: A. C. Bent. Life Histories of North American Blackbirds, Orioles, Tanagers, and Allies. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 211.
1958. The Turquoise-browed Motmot. Animal Kingdom 62: 6-11.
1958. Life History of the Violet-headed Hummingbird. Wilson Bull. 70 (1): 5-19.
1958. Life History of the White-whiskered Soft-wing Malacoptila panamensis. Ibis 100 (2): 209-31.
1958. Three-wattled Bellbird. Nature Magazine 51: 345-47.
1958. Roosting and Nesting of Aracari Toucans. Condor 60 (4): 201-19.
1959. The Singing Wood-Rail. Audubon 61: 20-21, 76-77.
1959. Life History of the Black-throated Trogon. Wilson Bull. 71 (1): 5-18.
1959. Red-throated caracara: The Scourge of the Wasps. Animal Kingdom 62:8-13.
1959. Life History of the Groove-billed Ani. Auk 76 (3): 281-317.
1959. Trogons and Wasps’ Nest. Nature Magazine 52: 465-68, 500.
1959. The Great Tinamou of the Tropical Forest. Animal Kingdom 62:179-83.
1959. Life History of the Blue Ground Dove. Condor 61(2): 65-74.
1960. The Laughing Reptile Hunter of Tropical America. Animal Kingdom 63: 115-19.
1961. The Nest as a Dormitory. Ibis 103a (1): 50-70.
1961. The Purple-capped Fairy Hummingbird. Audubon 63: 8-9, 13.
1961. How Birds Leave the Nest. Animal Kingdom 64:50-54. Reimpreso 1961 Foreign Birds 27: 250-56.
1961. Life-History of the White-crested Coquette Hummingbird. Wilson Bull. 73 (1): 5-10.
1961. Helpers Among Birds. Condor 63 (3): 198-226.
1961. The Ant-thrush Chicks en: J. K. Terres, ed. Discovery, Great Moments in the Lives of Outstanding Naturalists. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott.
1962. How Nestlings Defend Themselves. Animal Kingdom 65: 6-9.
1962. Life Histories of Honeycreepers. Condor 64 (2): 92-116.
1962. The Constancy of Incubation. Wilson Bull. 74 (2): 115-52.
1962. Life History of the White-tailed Trogon, Trogon viridis. Ibis 104: 301-13.
1962. On the Habits of the Queo Rhodinocichla rosea. Auk 79 (4): 633-39.
1962. The Woodcreepers of Tropical America. Animal Kingdom 65: 151-55.
1963. Life History of the Little Tinamou. Condor 65 (3): 224-31.
1963: Life History of the Rufous—tailed Jacamar Gabula ruficauda in Costa Rica. Ibis 105: 354-68.
1963. Habits of the Chestnut-winged Chachalaca. Wilson Bull. 75 (3): 262-69.
1964. Life Histories of Hermit Hummingbirds. Auk 81 (1): 5-25.
1964. Life History of the Scaly-breasted Hummingbird. Condor 66 (3):186-98.
1964. Life History of the Blue-diademed Motmot Momotus momota. Ibis 106: 321-32.
1964. Life Histories of Central American Pigeons. Wilson Bull. 76 (3): 211-47.
1964. Artículos sobre Jacamar, Motmot, Puffbird, Shrike-Vireo, Sunbittern, Tanager y Toucan. En: A. L. Thomson, ed. A New Dictionary of Birds. London: Thomas Nelson and Sons.
1965. Life History Notes of Two Tropical American Kites. Condor 67 (3): 235-46.
1965. A Naturalist Spies on the Silky-Flycatcher. Animal Kingdom 68: 22-27.
1965. Life History of the Long-tailed Silky-Flycatcher, with Notes on Related Species. Auk 82 (3): 375-426.
1965. Birds in a Costa Rican Garden. Animal Kingdom 68: 168-72.
1966. A Breeding Bird Census and Nesting Success in Central America. Ibis 108 (1): 1-16.
1966. Life Histories of Three Tropical American Cuckoos. Wilson Bull. 78 (2): 139-65.
1966. Western Kingbird and Inca Dove in Costa Rica. Auk 83 (4): 669.
1967. Cape May Warbler in Costa Rica. Wilson Bull. 79 (1): 118-19.
1967. The Thornbird and its Many-chambered Nest. Animal Kingdom 70: 44-51.
1967. Family Life of the Golden-naped Woodpecker. Animal Kingdom 70: 106-11.
1967. Adaptive Limitation of the Reproductive Rate of Birds. Ibis 109: 579-99.
1967. Life History Notes on the Oriole-Blackbird (Gymmomystax mexicanus) in Venezuela. Hornero 10:379-88.
1968. Notas sobre ocho especies, en: A. C. Bent y colaboradores, ed. O. L. Austin Jr. Life of North American Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Buntings, Towhees, Finches, Sparrows, and Allies. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 237.
1968. The Cotingas: A Study in Contrast. Animal Kingdom 71. 4-9.
1968. The Challenge of Tropical America. Bull. Texas Ornith. Soc. 2 (3): 30-33.
1968. The Nesting of some Venezuelan Birds. Condor 70 (1): 66-82.
1968-70. Artículos sobre Tinamidae, Cracidae, Meleagridina Momotidae, Ramphastidae, Dentrocolaptidae, Tyraypina Catamblyrynchinae y Dacnidinae, en: Grzimeks Tierleben 7, 8, 9. München: Kindler Verlag.
1969. A Study of the Rufous-fronted Thornbird and Associated Birds. Wilson Bull. 81 (1): 5-43; (2): 123-39.
1969. Nunbirds. Animal Kingdom 72: 8-11.
1969. Note on the Possible Migration and the Nesting of the Black Vulture in Central America. Auk 86 (4): 726-31.
1970. The Display of the Yellow-billed Cotinga Carpodectes antoniae. Ibis 112: 115-16.
1970. Life History of the Common Potoo. Pp. 265-80 en O.S. Pettingell Jr. y D.A. Lancaster, eds. The Living Bird: Ninth Annual of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. Ithaca, New York: The Laboratory of Ornithology at Cornell University.
1970. Jacamars: Insect-eaters of the American Tropics. Animal Kingdom 73: 21-24.
1971. Life History of the Keel-billed Toucan. Auk 88 (2): 381-96.
1971. The Honeycreepers of the American Tropics. Animal Kingdom 74 (3):7-12.
1971. The Birds of Nosara. Florida Naturalist 44:11-12.
1971. Life History of the Broad-billed Motmot, with Notes on the Rufous Motmot. Wilson Bull. 83 (1): 74-94.
1971. Life History of the Bright-rumped Attila Attila spadiceus. Ibis 113 (3): 316-22.
1972. El magnífico quetzal. La Nación (San José, Costa Rica): 1 agosto.
1973. Bird Conservation in Middle America, Report of the AOU Conservation Committee, 1972-73. Russell, S.M., M. Alvarez del Toro, L.C. Binford, L.I. Davis, R.W. Dickerman, E.P. Edwards. T.R. Howell, L.F. Kiff, B.L. Monroe Jr, A.R. Phillips, A.F. Skutch, N.G. Smith, F.G. Stiles. Auk 90 (4): 870-876.
1973. Rivalry in the Nest. Animal Kingdom 76: 8-14.
1974. Flight from the Nest. Animal Kingdom 77: 10-14.
1974. South America: The Neotropical Realm. En: M. Bramwell, ed. The Mitchell Beazley World Atlas of Birds. London: Mitchell Beazley Publishers Ltd.
1980. Arils as Food of Tropical American Birds. Condor 82 (1): 31-43.
1980. The Resplendent Quetzal. Americas 32: 13-21/ El Resplandeciente Quetzal. Américas 32: 13-21. Reimpreso en: Bird Watcher’s Digest (enero-febrero 1981): 56-65.
1980. The Great-billed Toucans. Terra 18 (2): 18-23.
1981. Troupials and Thornbirds. Americas 33: 52-56/ Turpiales y Guatíes. Américas 33: 52-56.
1982. Resplendent Myth. Audubon 84: 74-84.
1982. Costa Rica’s Golden-voiced Yigüirro. Americas 34: 18-21/ El canto melodioso del Yigüirro. Américas 34: 18-21.
1983. Artículos sobre Columbina talpacoti, Geotrygon montane y Herpetotheres cachinnans. En: D.H. Janzen, ed. Costa Rica Natural History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1991. Trad. M.Chavarría. Historia Natural de Costa Rica. San José: Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica.
1985. Artículos sobre Jacamar, Motmot, Puffbird, Shrike-Vireos, Silky-Fluycatcher, Sunbittern, Tanager y Toucan. En: B. Campbell y E. Lack, eds. A Dictionary of Birds. Calton, Inglaterra: T. y A. D. Poyser.
1985. Artículos sobre Toucans, Jacamars, Puffbirds, Tanagers, Swallow-Tanagers y Cardinal Grosbeaks. En: C. M. Perrins y A. L. A. Middleton, eds. The Encyclopedia of Birds. London: George Allen and Unwin.
1985. Clutch Size, Nesting Success, and Predation on Nests of Neotropical Birds. Pp. 575-594 en: P. A. Buckely, M. S. Foster, E. S. Morton, R. S. Ridgeley y F. G. Buckey, eds. Ornithological Monographs 36. Washington, D.C.: American Ornithologists´ Union.
1989. Courtship of the Rufous Piha Lipaugus unirufus. Ibis131 (2): 303-4.
1993. Observaciones sobre la nidificación del Guaco. Resúmenes. Primer Congreso de Ornitología de Costa Rica, San José, 20-22 de mayo, 1993. San José: CIPCA-MNCR-PRMVS/UNA. Mimeografiado.
1994. The Gray-necked Wood-Rail: Habits, Food, Nesting and Voice. Auk 111(1): 200-204.
1994. The Unappreciated Pigeon. Living Bird 13 (3): 30-35.
1994. Nidificación del Trogón Violáceo. Boletín SAO (Medellín, Colombia) 5 (10): 13-21.
1995. The Birds I Love. Bird Watcher’s Digest 18: 46-51. Reimpreso pp. 206-210 en A.F. Skutch, Trogons, Laughing Falcons, and Other Neotropical Birds, 1999; trad. al español M.E. Chaves, pp.69-75 en R.H. May, ed. Alexander F. Skutch, ornitólogo, naturalista, filósofo. San José: Asociación Ornitológica de Costa Rica (AOCR), 2011.
1996. Nesting of the Buff-throated Woodcreeper, Xiphorhynchus guttatus. Auk 113 (1): 236-239.
1997. El colibrí garganta-estrellada psiquilargo. Boletin SAO (Sociedad Antioqueña de Ornitología) 8 (14/15): 9-20.
1998. Comportamiento de una pareja de guacos. Zeledonia 2/1 (agosto).
1998. El carpintero más pequeño. Boletín SAO (Sociedad Antioqueña de Ornitología) 9 (16/17): 6-17.
1999. Epilogue: The birds I love. En Trogons, Laughing Falcons and Other Neotropical Birds. College Station: Texas A&M Press.
2000. Los animales más parecidos a los humanos. Boletín SAO (Sociedad Antioqueña de Ornitología) 11 (20-21):11-23.
2001. Life History of the Riverside Wren. Journal of Field Ornithology 72 (1): 1-11.
Filosofía y religión
1944. A Parable for Peacemakers. Sci. Monthly 58: 253-60.
1944. The Root of the Evil. Nature Magazine 37:466-68.
1945. Tendrils. Nature Magazine 38: 487-88.
1945. The Naturalist’s Dilemma. Sci. Monthly 61:361-71.
1946. Back-or-Forward to Nature? Nature Magazine 39: 457-60.
1948. In Fairness to Our Competitors. Audubon 50: 76-79.
1948. Earth and Man. Audubon 50: 356-59.
1948. Life’s Greatest Evil. Sci. Monthly 66: 514-18.
1948. A Naturalist Looks at Sin and Redemption. Aryan Path[5] 19:248-52.
1948: Life’s Debt to Death. Aryan Path 19: 530-33.
1949. A Conservationist’s Philosophy. Audubon 51: 12-18, 41. Reimpreso en: M. Gray y C. W. Hach. English for Today. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1950, 256-61.
1950. A new Project for Human Happiness. Aryan Path: 21: 7-12.
1950. Life and Immortality from a Scientist’ Viewpoint. Aryan Path: 21: 137-42.
1951. Ahimsa on the Farm. Aryan Path: 22: 135-42.
1951. India’s Conservationist Emperor. Nature Magazine 44: 202-4, 218.
1952. Animal Friends, Dependent and Free. Nature Magazine 45: 134-36, 162.
1952. Which Shall We Protect? Thoughts on the Ethics of the Treatment of Free Life. Aryan Path 23: 382-86.
1952. Modern Esaus. Aryan Path 23: 541-47.
1953. ¿Por qué no enyugamos los bueyes del pescuezo? Revista de Agricultura (San José) 25: 60-61.
1953. The True Conservationist. Nature Magazine 46: 258-61.
1953. Religion and the Conservation of Natural Resources. Aryan Path 24: 426-30, 472-78.
1954. Divination by Birds. Aryan Path 25: 147-53.
1954. Our Difficult Choice. Nature Magazine 47: 190-92, 215. Reimpreso en Rosicrucian Digest 32: 422-25.
1954. The Tangled Strands of Conservation. Nature Magazine 47: 258-60-276.
1956. Nature’s Harshness and Man’s Compassion. Nature Magazine 49: 145-48.
1956. Religion and Technology. Aryan Path 27: 222-28.
1956. Moral Wisdom. Rosicrucian Digest[6] 34: 18-21.
1956. Love for Our Earth. Rosicrucian Digest 34: 292-96.
1957. Environment and Ethics. Rosicrucian Digest 35: 88-91, 107-8.
1957. The Convivial Ascetic. Aryan Path 28: 302-6.
1957. The Naturalist’s Progress. Nature Magazine 50: 482-84.
1958. Man as Hunting Animal. Nature Magazine 51: 96-99.
1958. Our Animal Heritage. Rosicrucian Digest 36: 97-101.
1958. Crítica del Humanismo. Trad. L. Herrera. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 1: 253-62.
1958. Love and Lovability. Rosicrucian Digest 36: 368-70.
1958. Are We Dissipating our Moral Patrimony? Aryan Path 29: 449-54.
1958. The Stages in Spiritual Growth. Aryan Path 29: 538-43.
1959. Ahimsa and its Practice. The Voice of Ahimsa[7] 9:10-13.
1959. Beyond mankind: mind and value. Rosicrucian Digest 37: 210-213.
1959. La Compasión. Trad. H. Chen Apuy. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 2: 43-54.
1960. Philosophy, Its Meaning. Rosicrucian Digest 38: 334-38. Reimpreso 2012 Philosophy: Its Nature and Purpose. The Rosicrucian Beacon 55 (sept): 390-96.
1960. One World--But How? Aryan Path 31: 390-96.
1961. Ours is the Power. Rosicrucian Digest 39: 254-55.
1961. To Make a Better World. The Voice of Ahimsa 11: 201-4.
1961. Youth’s Aspirations. Aryan Path 32: 352-56.
1962. Vegetarianism and the Evil of Predation. Aryan Path 33: 298-302.
1962. Economic Individualism and Spiritual Individualism. Actas Segundo Congreso Extraordinario Interamericano de Filosofía (San José, Costa Rica), 233-35.
1963. Los Ideales Básicos del Género Humano. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 4: 27-34.
1964. La Filosofía de la Lealtad Cósmica. Pp. 389-400 en: C. Láscaris, ed. Desarrollo de las ideas en Costa Rica. San José: Editorial Costa Rica. (Segunda edición 1975).
1965. The Message of Beauty. Aryan Path 36: 109-11, 169-72. Reimpresión Pp. 8-15 en 1991 CCMT, Harmony and Beauty In Man and His World. Mumbai: Central Chinmaya Mission Trust (CCMT).
1968. Organs of the Universe. Aryan Path 39: 2-6.
1969. Every Child’s Birthright. Aryan Path 40: 101-105.
1970. Asceticism. An Appraisal. Aryan Path 41: 7-11.
1970. The Golden Core of Religion. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 270 p.
1971. Good and Evil: a new interpretation. Aryan Path 42: 194-197.
1972. Thoughts on Ahimsa. Aryan Path 43: 190-194.
1975. In Defense of the Flesh. The Aryan Path 46: 54-59.
1977. The Scope of Religion. The Aryan Path 48: 6-11.
1983. Miniature and Giants. The Sciences 23 (6):18-21. (Reimpreso de pp. 84-100 de Nature Through Tropical Windows.)
1983. The Naturalist’s Progress. Defenders 58: 37-39. (Reimpreso de pp. 340-46 de Nature Through Tropical Windows).
1991. Birds Song and Philosophy. Pp. 65-76 en L. E. Hahn, ed. The Philosophy of Charles Hartshorne. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court.
1992. Querido Federico. Pp. 102-105 en M. Curling, comp. Merecer la vida. San José: Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica.
1994. Responsabilidad y Castigo. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 32: 19-25.
1996. Libertad básica. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica XXXXIV (83-84): 205-211.
1996-97. Three Biological Heresies. Revista de Biología Tropical 44 (3) / 45 (1): 1-11. 1996-97. Three Biological Heresies. Revista de Biología Tropical 44 (3) / 45 (1): 1-11. Traducido al español pp.18-33 A. Skutch. 2014. Armonización, ed. R. H. May. San José: AOCR.
1997. La naturaleza dual de los animales incluyendo el hombre. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica XXXV (85): 83-93.
1998. Biocompatibility: a criterion for conservation. Revista de Biología Tropical 46 (3): 481-486. También en Traducido al español pp. 101-108 A. Skutch.
2001. Armonización: el proceso cósmico. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 39: 69-77.
2014. Armonización, ed. R. H. May. San José: AOCR.
Reseñas de libros /Book Reviews
1928. Reseña de On the Causes and Ecological Significance of Stomatal frequency, with Special Reference to Woodland Flora por E. J. Salisbury. Ecology 9 (2): 252-254.
1987. Reseña de A Guide to the Birds of Colombia por S.L Hilty y W.L. Brown. Times Literary Supplement, March 13, 280.
1994. Reseña de The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 8, 1860. Vida Silvestre Neotropical 3: 54-55.
1994. Reseña de Birds of Brazil por H. Sick. Times Literary Supplement, 12 agosto, 7.
2001. In Memoriam: Charles Hartshorne, 1897-2000. Auk 118(4): 1034-1035.
2002. Forward. Pp. xi-xii en C.L. Henderson. Field Guide to the Wildlife of Costa Rica. Ilus. S. Adams. Austin: University of Texas Press.
[1] Esta bibliografía se base en la lista de libros publicados hasta 1992 que Skutch añadió como Apendice 2 de Un Naturalista en Costa Rica (2001), versión en español de A Naturalist in Costa Rica (1971), además Apéndice B, “Bibliografía de Alexander Skutch” de C. Abarca Jiménez, Alexander Skutch, la voz de la naturaleza (2004). Presumiblemente el mismo Skutch preparó la bibliografía para su inclusión en el libro. Adicionalmente, se consultó la bibliografía completa preparada por Peter Sheers para su investigación sobre Skutch, The Early Views of Alexander Skutch, inédito.
This bibliography is based on the list of books published up to 1992 that Skutch added as Appendix 2 of Un Naturalista en Costa Rica (2001), the Spanish version of A Naturalist in Costa Rica (1971), and additionally Appendix B, “Bibliography of Alexander Skutch” included in C. Abarca Jiménez, Alexander Skutch, la voz de la naturaleza (2004). Presumibly Skutch himself provided the bibliography. Additionally, the complete bibliography prepared by Peter Sheers for his (unpublished) research on Skutch, The Early Views of Alexander Skutch.
[2] La American Nature Association (Washington, D.C.) publicó Nature Magazine entre 1923-1959.
The American Nature Association (Washington, D.C.) published Nature Magazine between 1923-1959.
[3] Torreya, originalmente revista propia, luego fue incorporada al Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club que en 1997 cambió a ser el Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, nombre actual.
Torreya, orginally an independent journal, later was incorporated into the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club that in turn, in 1997 became the Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, its current name.
[4] En 1958, Scientific Monthly fue adquirida por Science.
In 1958, Scientific Monthly was acquired by Science.
[5] Aryan Path (sendero noble) fue una revista teosófica publicada por el Indian Institute of World Culture en Bombay.
Aryan Path (noble path) was a theosophical journal published by the Indian Institute of World Culture in Bombay.
[6] Rosicrucian Digest es la revista del Orden Antigua y Místico de Rosa Crucis (AMORC), un movimiento místico que estudia las leyes metafísicas que crea gobiernan el universo.
Rosicrucian Digest is the magazine of the Ancient and Mystical Order of Rosa Crucis (AMORC), a mystical movement that studies the metaphysical laws it believes governs the universe.
[7] The Voice of Ahimsa fue una revista de la religión jain publicada en Aliganj, India.
The Voice of Ahimsa was a Jain religious journal published in Aliganj, India.